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Sabrina Siegel

Newhouse TRF

This semester I was the Account Executive for Hill Communications Newhouse TV, Radio, and Film account. Newhouse TRF's goal was to enhance engagement through its social media outlets and give students, parents, and prospective students a resource for opportunities and information from Newhouse and the TRF department.

Our Hill Communications team began with creating three new goals to incorporate into the social media to enhance the accounts. The three goals were to create a TikTok account and begin to post more visual content. Increase user engagement on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Lastly, diversify content to showcase organizations on campus, other programs, and events.

Each week every member of the team created Instagram and TikTok content into the content calendar so that we were prepared to post for the planned date and to create a constant flow of social media content. We created some new additions to Instagram like “TRF Track Tuesday'' and also included more posts that created high engagement like student takeovers. The team would meet once a week to discuss how our engagement and posts have been doing as well as brainstorm ideas and delegate work and posts to create for the social media accounts.

I want to thank my account supervisor Connor Donovan for his incredible work and dedication this semester. No matter how much work needed to be done or if it needed to be done last minute Connor was always able to create outstanding creative content and lead the team in the most organized and efficient way possible. Kristin Moffitt, Laura Verzegnassi, and Leila Yang were also incredibly creative, hardworking, and loyal people to be surrounded by and work together with on this account and it really showed in the execution of our work. I want to finally thank Hill Communications for providing me with the opportunity to work on a real functioning public relations account and practice my PR skills as well as my group work skills which will only come of help in future careers.

Thank you Newhouse TRF for allowing us to take creative liberties with your social media accounts and we hope that you enjoyed the work we created for you as much as we did. I can not wait to see how the Newhouse TRF account and the other Hill Communication accounts elevate in the future.

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